Project Matrix- The Burrow/ Weasley House


Design by Stuart Craig

Architectural Precedent 1
The Burrow/ Weasley House - Exterior

a) Key Concept
The concept behind the design is a wizard-built ramshackle multi-story dwelling that clearly needs magic to keep it from falling apart. The house is meant to have the idea of extra houses(or rooms)  stacked upon one another with a Tudor structure acting as the foundation - holding up the houses. This is due to the fact that the builder (Arthur Weasley) decided to build it upwards instead of laterally as his family expanded over the course of time. Furthermore,  due to his interest in “Muggle” (non-wizard/human) things, the house is built from architectural salvage or “muggle salvage” such as the roof being made of salvaged timber and is cladded with slates, tiles and wooden shingles- anything he could acquire. Despite the mad and magical concept behind the design, Stuart Craig decided that the house should have a sense of logic to it by having a chimney(which grows as the house expands) that acts as the core where all the extended rooms cling onto it, making it a sort of vertical pile.

 “a mad wizarding home, but built out of very real, recognisable materials, readily available.”
-Stuart Craig-

b) Selected Design Element

The exterior of the house will be focused on by exploring ways to show the various details and materials of the house through different laser cutting techniques such as using different hatching strengths of the laser cutter. Elements that I will try to represent are the windows and the different salvaged materials, such as the roof being cladded with slates and tiles as well as the wall being constructed with a mix of timber and bricks. 

This is to show that the house was built by a wizard with a fascination for “human things” (therefore having a rather patchy looking construction).

c) How is the Key Concept Reflected in the Design Studio?

This would be an opportunity for me to explore different laser cutting techniques to represent different materials and textures despite the entire model being build from one type of material. Furthermore, also exploring techniques and ways to create depths in the material such as layering the materials among one another.
example of using laser cutting and assembling techniques to create different textures of materials

This would also challenge me in terms of traditional model making skills such as producing a clean and well-composed looking model. Furthermore, this model requires a high attention to detail to be built, a skill which I believe will benefit me not just in model making and school but also career-wise (at work) as it is important for architects to have a high attention to detail to prevent their building from failing.  Knowing how to build an aesthetic model could also give me an edge in working on exhibition models and creating a gateway to set design - a career path that I am interested in.

d) Geometrical Description of the Shape
Haphazard construction of houses (3 large houses) stacked and joined among one another. The house is meant to look as if they are falling apart with the need for magic to hold them together.

original blueprint of The burrow in the movie, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

e) Proposed Scale,Material, Technique

Scale: 1:45


Laser Cutting

f)Time, Commitment, Budget

Digital model: 24 hours
Fabrication file: 30 hours
Assembly: 40-50 hours

Total Time: 94-104 hours

Budget: $100-150

Architectural Precedent 2

The Burrow/ Weasley House - Base and interior structure

a) Key Concept
As mentioned in the precedent 1 matrix, the set designer wanted the house to have a sense of logic. Therefore having a chimney that acts as the structural core holding each room and house. Despite having a structural logic to it, the house is still meant to look as if it was falling apart and being held up by magic.

b) Selected Design Element

The internal structure holding up the model will act as the “magic” holding up the house. To maintain the original shape and design of the house without it falling apart, an internal structure will be used to hold up the model. Similar to the original logic by the designer, a vertical internal structure inside the model will hold up each house and levels preventing it from collapsing. The structure will be hidden by the exterior of the building so that it will still maintain the concept of the house being held up by magic. Furthermore, a sturdy base that is able to carry the model without toppling over and to carry the electrical services of the model will be built.

c) How is the Key Concept Reflected in the Design Studio?

This concept would challenge me in terms of woodworking which I have never attempted before. I believe this skill is essential to model making particularly large models and furniture design. 

Furthermore, this will also give me an understanding of designing and building structures which I could also apply to my design studio and construction subjects. In this case, having a sturdy core is important to hold up the building as well as to carry the services such as the lighting in the model.

d) Geometrical Description of the Shape
Having a central structure acting as the structural core which branches or extends out at different heights to hold up each house or level in place.
proposed structural system
e) Proposed Scale,Material, Technique
Scale: 1:45

Steel threading rods, nuts, bolts, nails, plywood, white paint, butt hinges

Wood and Steelwork

f)Time, Commitment, Budget
Planning: 6 hours
Assembly: 6 hours

Total Time: 12 hours

Budget: $50

Architectural Precedent 3
Flying Ford Anglia and Lighting

a) Key Concept
Flying Ford Anglia:
A light blue Ford Anglia 105E Deluxe which has been enchanted by Arthur Weasley to fly as well as to turn invisible thanks to an invisible booster installed in the car.

Create a sense of warmth and that a family residing inside the house despite the cram and haphazard nature of the house.  

“It’s not much, but it’s home” 
-Ron Weasley-

b) Selected Design Element

To show the idea of a car that flies, the car (which will be 3D printed) will be held up using magnetic levitation to create a sense of “magic” that has been cast to the car. 
magnetic levitation

Adding warm LED lights and silhouettes cutouts inside the model will show the idea of a family residing in it despite the crammed, haphazardous exterior of the building - giving a storytelling element to the model.

c) How is the Key Concept Reflected in the Design Studio?

This concept would challenge me in terms of woodworking which I have never attempted

This will mainly challenge me in terms of electrical soldering work (also something I have not attempted before). By knowing how to solder and attach lighting systems into a model will benefit in my future design studios since I believe that having lights i will give an extra edge in the model. 

I will also be able to experiment on creating storytelling elements - whereby just seeing the model, one can understand how the building can be used without the need of looking at the presentation board to understand.

d) Geometrical Description of the Shape
Blue Ford Anglia 105E Deluxe- A Ford Anglia with an American-influenced styling that has a sweeping nose line, a full-width slanted chrome grille in between prominent "eye" headlamps.

Ford Anglia used in the movie

The lighting will have a series of LED globes attached near the windows with a silhouette cut out to show that shows the activities inside the house.
silhouette lamp

e) Proposed Scale,Material, Technique

Scale: 1:45

Magnets OR a DIY magnetic levitation module (as a backup), warm coloured LED globes, battery pack, cables/wire, 1.1 mm boxboard

3D printing (dual coloured 3D printing), electrical soldering and wiring, laser cutting

f)Time, Commitment, Budget

Ford Anglia
Digital File: 2 hours
Planning: 6 hours
Assembly: 6 hours

Planning: 4 hours
Assembly: 6 hours

Total Time: 24 hours

Budget: $80


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